Warm apple crumble at this time of the year really is bliss. After a long chilly walk on a Sunday and a lovely Sunday dinner, what better pudding to tuck into. The beauty of the humble crumble is you can switch up the fruit you would like to include, our go-to-guru Amelia Freer has opted for apple and plum. This recipe contains sources of fibre, essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants – so a crumble with benefits!
What you’ll need:
Serves 6-8
- 7 or 8 apples (800g) peeled, cored and cut into chunks
- Zest and juice of 1 lemon
- ½ tsp cinnamon
- 2 tbsp coconut sugar
- 5 or 6 plums (500g) stone removed, cut into chunks
- 100g oats (gluten free, optional)
- 100g oat bran (gluten free, optional)
- 100g mixed seeds
- 70g coconut sugar
- 120g cuisine coconut oil
What to do:
Preheat the oven to 180/160c fan.
In a pan, gently cook the apple, lemon zest, juice, coconut sugar and cinnamon with 3-4 tbsp water for about 8 minutes stirring occasionally until slightly softened.
Mix the oats, oat bran, mixed seeds, sugar and coconut oil in a bowl with your hands until combined.
Tip the cooked apples into a deep oven proof dish and mix in the plums.
Sprinkle the crumble on top, without pressing it down and bake for 30-40 minutes, until golden and bubbling at the edges.
For the custard:
- 1 tsp ground arrowroot
- 400ml almond milk
- 2 tbsp coconut sugar/syrup
- 1 tsp vanilla extract or paste
- 4 large egg yolks, beaten
What to do:
Mix the arrowroot with 2 tsp cold almond milk to a paste and add this to a pan with the rest of the almond milk, coconut sugar and vanilla extract and heat just about simmering.
Pour this into the bowl of beaten eggs, whisking vigorously then tip back into the pan and heat through, stirring constantly until the custard thickens. Do not let it boil or it will curdle.
Tip into a jug or bowl until ready to use.

For more of Amelia’s recipes click here.