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Amelia Freer’s Winter Wellness Journal

08 February 2021

As many of you might know from attending one of her cookery events or retreats, we have teamed up with Nutritional Therapist Amelia Freer to introduce her nutritional guidance throughout our services so that those looking to support and enhance their well-being have access to the most nourishing options.

Amelia believes that food can be a very powerful tool for well-being and her purpose is to help others to enjoy the many benefits of nutritious food – food that is accessible, easy to make, that bursts with goodness as well as flavour. She takes a scientific and holistic approach and is vehemently against fad diets and exaggerated food marketing hype. Also, a three times bestselling author, Amelia has successfully helped thousands of clients to lead happier, healthier lives through nutrition and lifestyle measures. 

With winter here, some of your healthier summer habits may be tough to keep up, but your wellbeing doesn’t have to suffer for it. So we have teamed up with our wellbeing expert Amelia Freer to bring you a seasonal wellbeing journal – the ultimate wellness go-to-guide with lots of helpful tips on how to get moving, improve your sleep, improve your work-life balance, and make better decisions when eating out at a time of year that can leave us less than inspired to get out into nature or put down the mince pies.

Here's a few of our favourites to get you started...

Move - Keep some weights by the kettle

I’ve got to thank Rangan Chatterjee for this tip – it’s a good one. While waiting for the kettle to boil, take the opportunity to do some upper body exercises, squats or star jumps. It’s not much effort, but these tiny movement ‘snacks’ can really add up over time. Perhaps you could even extend them to include lunges while you brush your teeth, press-ups when you’re on hold or stretches while unloading the dishwasher. The opportunities are almost limitless once you start looking.

Unwind - Ask for help if you need it

2020 has been an incredibly difficult year. It might have triggered a lot of uncomfortable feelings, anxieties or even depression. It has put enormous strain on relationships, families and finances. There is no shame in asking for help. It is instead a sign of great insight and strength to realise that others may have the professional skills and resources that could really help us. Speak to your GP, or visit the BACP website.

Eat - Embrace soups

One of the easiest ways to pack a few extra portions of vegetables into our diet is to make some deliciously warming soups. They are about as simple to make as can be (you just need a handheld stick blender and decent-sized saucepan), and are one of the loveliest comfort foods I can think of. The most popular recipe of all time on my website is this autumnal turmeric & carrot soup, although my soup for the soul is a great one to turn to if you’re feeling under-the-weather.

Sleep - De-clutter your bedroom

If you’ve got a spare drizzly weekend morning, take the opportunity to have a really good sort through the bedroom. With us all living much more in our homes over the past few months, and spending less time out and about, it’s been all-tooeasy to accumulate ‘stuff’. But there is something wonderfully calming about outer order, especially when the world feels quite so chaotic, particularly in a bedroom. For inspiration (and if this is your thing), watch Getting Organised with The Home Edit on Netflix. You’ll have your wardrobe in rainbow order in no time!

Work - Walk ‘to work’

I know your desk might be just a couple of metres away from your bed, but there is great merit in getting up, dressed and outside for a quick walk before coming home again and sitting down. Early morning light helps to regulate our circadian rhythm (boosting energy and supporting restorative sleep), fresh air invigorates us, and the movement helps gets all those important steps in too. Try it if you can, even if just for a few minutes.


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