We have teamed up with Nutritional Therapist Amelia Freer to introduce her nutritional guidance throughout our services at Lime Wood so that those looking to support and enhance their well-being have access to the most nourishing options.
Amelia believes that food can be a very powerful tool for well-being and her purpose is to help others to enjoy the many benefits of nutritious food – food that is accessible, easy to make, that bursts with goodness as well as flavour.
How to Build a Healthy Plate with Amelia
If you, like many of us (myself included!), struggle for inspiration on how to plan or put together a healthy, nutritionally balanced meal from scratch using fresh ingredients, this simple guide will hopefully lend some help.
This guide is not an absolute, rather a little visual tool that I hope some may find helpful. I tend to use this when I am assembly cooking, rather than making a complete recipe. For example, I might bake a chicken breast (protein) steam some broccoli & green beans then drizzle in olive oil (vegetables & healthy fats) and add a few new potatoes in to cook (complex carbohydrates). It’s not a supper than needs a recipe, but this plate-based guideline can help me to ensure I have each category covered.

1. Start with VEGETABLES (include a rainbow of colours)
2. Include a portion of PROTEIN
3. Add some HEALTHY FAT (e.g. a good drizzle of oil or a sprinkle of seeds/nuts)
4. Add COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES or minimally processed wholegrain if you’re feeling hungry or have higher energy demands
Sometimes a single food will cross multiple categories:
i) Nuts, for example, could be both our protein and healthy fats.
ii) Leek & potato soup might contain olive oil (healthy fats), vegetables (leeks) and carbohydrates (potatoes) so would need some protein to be added.
How this translates to a real meal...

Happy healthy cooking!
Love Amelia x
For lots more wellbeing tips, ideas and free recipes, please do head over to ameliafreer.com or @ameliafreer