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GLOW: Sleep Well with Bamford

08 February 2021

We hope that you are all keeping well and that you are settling into the new routines that we are all having to adapt to.

We spend a third of our life doing it; it’s a vital process in our bodies’ ability to function and also to repair itself, yet we are the only species that intentionally deprives itself of sleep. Every facet of wellness is affected by how we sleep, and lack of sleep or inadequate sleep is linked with poor memory and thinking ability, low mood, changeable emotions, anxiety and lack of creativity, yet still we choose to neglect it. Two thirds of adults in developed nations fail to obtain the nightly eight hours of sleep recommended by The World Health Organization.

Preparing our body for sleep – our sleep hygiene – involves a variety of different practices and habits required for quality sleep and full daytime alertness. Here is our 10-step guide to a mindful bedtime routine, what you can do during the day to ensure a good night’s sleep and what to do if shuteye eludes you.


1. Maintaining a regular bedtime helps set your internal body clock and reduces the amount of tossing and turning required to fall asleep. Avoid oversleeping; this will only disrupt your biological clock (circadian rhythm).

2. Ensure your bedroom is quiet, comfortable, dark, cool and ventilated. Even a small amount of light in your bedroom can disrupt the production of melatonin (sleep-inducing hormone) and overall sleep.

3. Daylight is key to regulating daily sleep patterns. Attempt to spend at least 30 minutes outside in natural sunlight each day.

4. Electromagnetic radiation and blue light emitted by phones, laptops and tvs disrupt and overstimulate our central nervous system and significantly suppress melatonin. Embrace disconnecting and practice a ‘digital detox’ routine for at least one hour before bedtime.

5. Calm your senses before your go to bed with dim lighting, listen to soothing and quiet music and have a warm bath with lavender oil or epsom salts.

6. Don’t lie there worrying about it if you can’t sleep. Get up and do something you find relaxing until you feel sleepy again, then return to bed.

7. Exercise daily and avoid naps after 3pm during the day.

8. Practise gentle restorative yoga before bedtime to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system responsible for rest, recovery and repair.

9. Don’t overindulge; too much food and alcohol will disrupt your sleep later in the night.

10. Cut down on stimulants such as caffeine; they interfere with the process of falling asleep.



We might not be able to invite you to Herb House to experience Bamford's b Silent Treatment, which is designed to relax your body and prepare it for a sound, restful sleep, so why not try creating a similar experience at home?

1. Light a Bamford Frankincense Candle to encourage easy breathing, diminish feelings of stress and improve concentration and memory.

2. Add a capful of b Silent Night Time Bath Concentrate to your warm bath and allow your mind to rest with roman camomile, lavender flower and vetiver root.

3. Listen to your favourite album or audio book and relax your central nervous system by sipping sleep-inducing b Silent Herbal Infusion rich in anti-inflammatory hemp leaves.

4. Nourish and protect your skin by applying small amount of b Silent Body Oil, focusing on your chest area to ease overactive mind and aid sleep.

5. Massage your temples using deeply relaxing b Silent Night-Time Organic Temple Balm.

6. Fill your bedroom with soothing blend of camomile, lavender and frankincense by spraying a light b Silent Pillow Mist onto your bed linen.

Sleep Peacefully and Wake Restored.

Whilst the Herb House is temporarily closed you can pick up all of your Bamford goodies from


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